The flavor of a few scattered ideas, sprinkled with some incomplete thoughts.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
You Are My Stars
Instead, the stars come out every night and we watch television.
--Paul Hawken, "You are Brilliant and the Earth is Hiring"
Six weeks ago, we cramped together in the corner of the 2nd floor in Jupiter's to celebrate my 23rd birthday. I attempted to connect with each of you at least once during the nite, and I even made that silly "speech".
But after all us had left, I remembered something else I wanted to say. If I could do it again, I would add something like:
"Thank you for being here. I honestly don't know what I did to deserve you."
Although the evening was supposed to honor me, saying this would have been my humble way of honoring you, to show you, as much as my words are able, how sincerely I appreciate you.
I never got around to thanking you all for making it out to my little gathering. Well, thank you.
You see, you are my stars. Like the stars, I see some of you all the time and some of you only occasionally. But to me, it doesn't matter how often you come out--every thousand years or every nite--you still make me ecstatic and delirious. Your friendship means something to me, and I want you to know it. You are not taken for granted.
I appreciate you, each individually, and for unique, specific reasons. Don't believe me? Well then, guess I'll have to prove it...
(Hint: Check your TheFacebook wall sometime this week...)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
There will be storms
And with each tempest
You will seem to stand alone
Against cruel winds
But with time, the rage and fury
Shall subside
And when the sky clears
You will find yourself
Clinging to someone
You would have never known
But for storms.
--"Storms", by Margie DeMerell
Every time a storm has begun these past couple years, I have posted this poem. With the complaining and the hate that the rain gets in all your TheFacebook statuses and Tweets, I like to balance it out with a reminder that storms are an important part of life. And in some ways, help us to live and appreciate life more fully.
Every time I post this poem, I follow it with some sort of reflection. This time around, I want to take this chance to thank all the people in my life whom I have clung to and have helped me navigate my most recent storm, the post-graduation storm:
All you, who have made music, talked music, been music with me.
You, the only one who was there with me every step on my path of finding--and finally starting--my job. Who cooked with me and cooked for me. Who came with me to SFMoMA every month. Who sat beside me while I hacked through Pilipino folk-songs and laughed with me when they honored me later that nite. Who held me and continued to be my friend, despite all my passive-aggressive actions, irrational feelings, and mood swings.
You, the one I commute with every morning and eat lunch with every 1 o'clock. Who listens to me when I vent, knowing when to give advice and when just to listen and understand. Who IMs me at work, keeping me awake and preventing me from losing my mind. Whom I can always call if I'm lonely or need someone to hang out with...or have a beer with.
You, the one that has opened up his home to me, letting it become my home too...even if I'm usually there just to watch Jeopardy! Who listens to what I have to say, always reserving judgment...unless I really need to be held in check. Who, in my interest, was willing to deny a favor to a friend. Who freaks out with me when we remember how old we're turning this year.
You, with whom I've been sharing this job-searching struggle for what feels like years. (Your struggle is my struggle too; I just happened to get really lucky.) Who has been my motivation to succeed by sharing in my dream with me. Whose lack of physical presence has helped me remember what it truly feels like to miss a person.
You, who always found time to have (black) coffee with me...even with your super busy schedule. With whom I can talk about nearly everything, from deep social problems & Pilipino identity to gossip & relationships. Who, with a strange combination of pleasure and weirdness, drove me around her territory in San Diego. Who loved meeting my grandma. Who was there for me when I needed to share my most extreme emotions. Who brings balance to my life.
Thank you all. I can only hope that I helped you half as much as you have helped me.
This is subject to edit. I can't help but think that this list could include so many more. In case I missed you this time, there will always be storms...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Metaphor #6
The stomach was hungry, so the hands gave it food to make it happy. This continued normally and happily until...
One day, the hands said:
Wait a second. All the stomach does is take from me. I go through all the effort to find food and even prepare it. I give it away for free but don't get anything back...not even acknowledgment.
The stomach is full, yet I am empty.
The stomach doesn't appreciate me. The stomach takes me for granted. Well you know what? I'm going to teach the stomach a lesson...
At that point, the hands decided that it would no longer respond to the stomach's hunger. The hands stopped supplying the stomach with food and let it starve. The hands wanted the stomach to know not to take the hands for granted, to appreciate the hands.
This worked for a little bit. The stomach was unhappy while the hands took sick pleasure knowing that the stomach needed the hands.
But after a while, the hands started to feel unhappy too. Without nourishment from the stomach, the sick pleasure the hands once felt made way for just plain sickness.
And so it was then that the hands realized that, yes, the stomach was taking them for granted...but they were also taking the stomach for granted.
The lesson?
The stomach learns to appreciate where the food comes from and not take it for granted.
And the hands learn that the stomach actually does give back, but not in the same way.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My version of a dream/nightmare
This is the view from my office window, overlooking Market Street and United Nations Plaza. It still feels unreal, even after my first week. People ask me how my work is going, and I end up saying, "I'm living my dream."
When I woke up yesterday morning, the first thing I did was check my phone to see if I really got the call. That nite, I had a dream that someone called and told me that I'm just not good enough to be loved.
But it didn't feel like a dream. It felt real.
Most people have more substantial fears than that.
I imagine that exact situation so often that I can actually visualize it. I already know what the words would sound like.
So when I hear those words, it doesn't matter where I hear them, in a dream or in my waking life. It's all the same to me. I still woke up feeling more alone than when I went to bed, regardless of whether it happened or not.
I already have these insecurities; I don't need them taking over my dreams too.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Joy and Sorrow
When you laugh, I'll laugh with you.
I will share your joy and sorrow
Til we've seen this journey through.
Lately, I've been feeling good. In fact, I'm almost too if I don't deserve the happiness I've found. I also know that a lot of hate has been put into the world lately, more hate than any person should ever receive.
So how about I share my excess happiness with you and help you forget the hate? Isn't that what life is all about?
Friday, September 18, 2009
It's finally over
I am calm and at peace. The waters are completely still and reflect the beauty of the world around me. So I'm leaving before she has a chance to throw in another pebble.
One pebble causes ripples that last indefinitely...and I don't want to obscure the beauty of the world any longer. I'm's finally over.
I need to remember how I feel right now.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Stealing the kiss...
The "organic" kiss is the natural one. The one that kinda just grows out of the situation. The one where both people know it's coming because both have participated in the steps that led up to the act. Neither really makes a move, yet both kinda make the move together. Very typical, cheesy, and romantic.
But what is even more romantic is the other kind of kiss, the kiss you steal. This is the kiss that no one expected...sometimes not even the one that made the move. It's as if a bomb was dropped, landed on the couple, and well, just exploded. The kiss found them.
I love this picture because it's so easy to tell that this kiss kinda just came out of nowhere. I have it on my wall to remind myself that this level of romance does exist in this world. To let myself know that, even in my lowest of lows, love still exists. And maybe one day, I won't expect it, but someone might want to steal a kiss from me.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tender Time Bomb Tee
Last nite, I was reminded of a poem I once wrote when I found this t-shirt on The description reads, "My heart ticks in unerring time for you..."
This poem (the only one I ever cared to memorize) has never had a title...not until now:
"Tender Time Bomb"
tick, tock, tick, tock--
a symbol of reliability
in a world most unpredictable.
every second always introduces another
and nothing can stop that.
just like nothing can stop
the next moment we share.
so even if i cannot tell you
who, what, how, where, or why...
i can always tell you
i'm a few second closer than before.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Rhythm. Melody. Harmony.
If you think I'm talking about a song, you're mistaken. Over the past few months, there has been a recurring theme in every other conversation I have had. Somehow or another, we end up expressing the importance of music in our lives, both listening and playing.
At first glance, sure I'm just a music geek. But there's more to it than that. There's a reason why the topic comes up so often. It's the same reason why all of my closest friends are musically inclined.
Music is more than something I do for fun. To me, I live, think, and love in terms of music...both in the literal sense and in a more abstract sense as well.
The rhythm of seeing the people you love.
The melody of a good conversation, of laughter.
The harmony of drama, conflict, and eventually...resolution.
This is the way I think and see the world. And I know I'm not alone. To put it simply, life and love are music.
It is so important to me to surround myself and be with people who are like-minded and live similarly. I am so grateful that, with my closest friends, we can connect on this level. It comes both in our jam sessions but in our other "sessions"...the ones where we have opened up our hearts and souls to one another. In some ways, we speak another language. Thank you all for teaching it to me. Thank you for the music.
I'll close with one of my tweets from Aug. 18 in which I mentioned "playing music"...
Looking back over my life, I most remember the times playing music w/the ppl I love.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hellos, goodbyes & lost souls
Compelled by the circumstances of my closest friends (which in turn have become my own circumstances), I would like to share with you the closing part of a "hello/goodbye" letter I wrote years ago.
Let it be stated that, yes, I did write this to a particular person. I smudged out the parts that were specific to this person and our relationship in an effort to keep the focus on myself and what I believe. So on the chance that these words look strangely familiar to you, know that this post was not for you but rather for all whom I love.
I call this a "hello/goodbye" letter because, in retrospect, I see that upon writing to say goodbye, I greeted a new phase of my life. Life went on with hellos wrapped up in every goodbye.
Ok, I'm going to be really honest now...this is what I really hope.'ll realize that in this world, yes, we can do well independently and on our own...but we have hearts and souls. I know you don't want to "need" anyone, but really...that's how we make anything worthwhile. Without other people, what are we?
A bunch of lost souls.
One day, I hope you...realize this, that you might actually be ok with needing someone.
And guess what? I find a small bit of satisfaction in saying that if you're looking for me one day, I may or may not be there. Who knows how far I will have moved from you.
And so, in an effort to find my lost soul, I'm going to walk away from you. And I'll try not to look back to see if you're following, but it would be nice to search together one day.
...(bites lip), goodbye.
I mentioned saying hello to a new phase and well, I now see that this letter was the beginning of one of the most important lessons in my life right now--the importance of being appreciated and not being taken for granted.
Each of us, including myself, is special and should be appreciated as a person. And sometimes a person, out of love, will take the risk, go out on a limb, and give up parts of themselves to another for free...not knowing whether or not the love will be returned. Some of you have never had to do this...but the rest of us--we do it every day.
It is unfair to assume that this person will always be there. It is unfair to take the love a person gives without recognizing the heart-wrenching courage and strength that went into giving it. It is unfair to make a person feel like s/he is special to you when you really just generically accept the love as just another friendship.
We are all wonderful, beautiful people. Please don't ever take the people who love you for granted...or else they might just end up walking away.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
ONCE. But take a second look.
Anyway, I came home and was playing some through some of the songs. Looking at the DVD cover and the cover of the songbook, I noticed something interesting. Check it out.
Notice any changes between the two? (Hint: Look at their hands.)
They hold hands in one but not the other! I don't really know what to make of this so I have no insight to offer.
So I thought I'd open it up to you all. What are your thoughts or comments on this? I'm really interested to see what you come up with.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Deja vu
Flipping through the pages of my real journal (you know, the pen-and-paper kind), I came upon this little ditty from Jan. 28, 2007:
To tell the truth, though, if you asked me specifically why I like her, I wouldn't be able to tell you. I mean, we don't really have a whole lot in common, but there's just something about her that makes my heart jump every time I see her.
Believe me, this is something I've definitely thought about, and I'm always trying to justify my feelings for her, and I keep getting no answers. But then again, I trust my heart because she's the first girl I've really let myself like in college, and I don't think I'd let down my guard for just about anybody.
I couldn't tell you why but this girl is special to me. And you know what? I'm gonna stop questioning it. I like this girl a lot and that's all there is to it.
Sometimes there doesn't have to be a reason. Sometimes all you need is a genuine feeling, and that is its own reason.
I won't burden you with the details, but these feelings ran their course, and yes, I am now aware of the dangers and flaws of my reasoning. So naturally, my romantic ideals were challenged, and I abandoned some of them along the way.
The funny thing is that two years later, I somehow found my way back to this same course. I attempted to find what I had left behind, and instead only found the stale, bitter remnants of the love and hope I used to feel.
But it's not all gone yet. Not just yet.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Metaphor #5
Love is...
My bass guitar amp broke today...right when I needed it most. I was about to perform...then out of nowhere, thing just doesn't turn on. After performing, I was going to eat, but I set aside my plans so I could go home and figure out what was wrong.
After taking it apart, I had no better understanding of what exactly happened. Several times, I considered giving up and just getting the amp repaired...or replacing it altogether.
Then in a moment of inspiration, I found myself working around the problem. I pulled out wires and put wires together...and eventually got it working again.
Sure, it's not the same exact amp I started with--the on/off switch no longer serves a purpose & there is a slight buzzing noise--but the fact is it still works and it's better than nothing.
I think no less of it just because it's not as glamorous as I would like it to be. In the end, all I want to do is make music.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Metaphor #4
When people ask me what music class to take, I always suggest Music 116: Jazz Theory and Performance.
When they naturally ask why, I immediately respond, "Because it's hard! But it's good for you."
Thursday, August 20, 2009
My Gift to You: I Give It Gladly
When I see a friend who deserves to be loved so much more than me, it's hard for me to take my petty problems seriously at all.
If I could take the love that's destined for me and give it to you, my friend...I would do it gladly.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Something I Wrote Years Ago…and It’s Still Me.
"What I want"
I want to kiss your forehead.
I want to sit with you in the silence.
I want to hold your hand.
I want to make fun of you.
I want you to make fun of me.
I want you to take some initiative.
I want you to see that I smile when I see you.
I want you to respond when I touch your arm.
I want you to be unafraid of me.
I want to be comfortable gazing into your eyes.
I want us to have a moment.
I want us to be inseparable.
I want us to have security, even when we're not together.
I want us to eat together.
I want to enjoy the sun with you.
I want to sing songs to you.
I want to sing songs with you.
I want to tell you you're beautiful.
I want to hold you in my arms.
I want to buy you gifts just because.
I want you to like it if I do cheesy things.
I want to put up with your flaws.
I want you to put up with mine.
I want to call you all the time, and not be annoying.
I want you to listen.
I want to listen to you.
I want to try to understand you.
I want you to try to understand me.
I want to watch a romantic movie with you.
I want you to make me a better person.
I want it to be hard for me to say "Bye."
I want to go to church with you.
I want to talk to you about everything.
I want to talk to you about nothing.
I want you to be more aggressive than me.
I want you to feel safe when you're with me.
I want us to be independent, yet still need each other.
I want to wipe away your tears.
I want you to teach me.
I want you to be patient while I learn from you.
I want us to "make sense."
I want you to have as dimensions as me.
I want you to be my motivation.
I want you to be my inspiration.
I want you to seize the day with me.
I want others to be jealous of us.
I want to know that you think of me too.
I want to make you laugh.
I want to share my umbrella with you.
I want you to put your head on my shoulder.
I want us to be unique.
I want us to be a cliché.
I want you to call me at 3 o'clock in the morning.
I want us to trust each other.
I want to eat ice cream with you.
I want to meet you after class.
I want us to do homework together.
I want it to be okay for me to want you.
I want you to want me.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
One More Metaphor
One of my favorite books is Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks. In it, there is the true story of Clive Wearing, a man with severe amnesia and brain damage. He has no memory of his past and has a short-term memory of only 7 seconds.
Yet he has retained his ability to read music, play piano, and even conduct a choir. A man you can hardly have a conversation with is able to perform long pieces of music perfectly.
From the book:
"It may be that Clive, incapable of remembering or anticipating events because of his amnesia, is able to sing and play and conduct music because remembering music is not, in the usual sense, remembering at all. Remembering music, listening to it, or playing it, is entirely in the present."
Clive has only two sources of continuity in his life: his love for music and his love for Deborah, his wife.
"In some ways, he is not anywhere at all; he has dropped out of space and time altogether. He no longer has any inner narrative; he is not leading a life in the sense that the rest of us do. And yet one has only to see him at the keyboard or with Deborah to feel that, a such times, he is himself again and wholly alive."
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Two Metaphors
One of my guilty pleasures is Chocolate Yan Yan. I think I enjoy it so much because yes, it is delicious, but it also reminds me of being 6, eating Yan Yan.
When I eat Chocolate Yan Yan, I get lost in my own world, lost in a memory. I feel safe--like nothing bad can ever happen to me.
Love is...
My most recent musical "discovery" is free jazz and collective improvisation. My music professor once told a story about a performance he did with one other person:
"We trusted each other. We followed each other. I let him go from me. I came back to him."
And there is music, such beautiful music, amidst the chaos.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Oh Happy Mistake!
In Latin, there is a phrase, "Oh felix culpa!" (like Felix the Cat) which can be loosely translated as "Oh happy mistake!"
I can't stop thinking about the honest mistake that was made the other day and what I think I might have heard. It was a mistake, yes, but when it comes to the strange happiness I get from it, there's no mistake about that.
I am reminded of a film quotation from Paycheck:
"You asked me the strangest question."
"If I knew it wouldn't work out between you and I, before we were together, would I have done it?"
"What did you say?"
"That I wouldn't trade our time for anything...that's all we are the sum of our experiences. Besides, some of the best things in life are total mistakes."
Well, I hope this mistake turns out to be one of those best things.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I am taking a step forward or I have lost my mind entirely
Yesterday, a dear friend of mine received a call...and I watched as her boyfriend made her heart melt over the phone.
I was jealous, I'll admit, but not for the obvious reason. I was upset just because it was as easy as him saying, "You're beautiful" and she was happy.
I want that. I want to make her happy too.
I have always wanted someone to take me the way I am (hell, that's the inspiration for the name of this blog), but despite all my efforts over too many years, I've never melted any hearts or made anyone as happy as she was at that instant.
So now maybe I need this change in myself and in my lifestyle. Enough of this meeting people "organically" through organizations and friends. Maybe this online dating thing is the answer.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
"I don't want a straw. I want real human moments."
Hey. Could we do that again? I know we haven't met, but I don't want to be an ant. You know?
I mean, it's like we go through life with our antennas bouncing off one another, continuously on ant autopilot, with nothing really human required of us.
Stop. Go. Walk here. Drive there.
All action basically for survival.
All communication simply to keep this ant colony buzzing along in an efficient, polite manner.
"Here's your change." "Paper or plastic?" "Credit or debit?" "You want ketchup with that?"
I don't want a straw. I want real human moments.
I want to see you. I want you to see me.
I don't want to give that up. I don't want to be ant, you know?
I know we've all been there. Most of us call it being stuck in a rut or being bored with life. Eventually though, something happens to jostle us and snap us out of it, remind us that we are, in fact, alive and have souls.
But for me, sure I've had my ups and downs as I've always had...but in 2 years, nothing has snapped me out of it. Or more appropriately, nothing lets me snap out of it. It's like I have novocaine in my soul, and that's the way the universe wants it to be.
One of my favorite church songs is "The Servant Song" because it is such a beautiful expression of who we are to one another and who I want to be. In this version, the 4th verse (my favorite) almost brings me to tears.
I long to feel again, to love and be loved, to laugh and cry and not feel like I'm doing it alone.
Will you let me be your servant?
Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I may have the grace
To let you be my servant too.
We are pilgrims on a journey.
We are travelers on the road.
We are to help each other,
Walk the mile, and bear the load.
I will hold the Christ light for you
In the nighttime of your fear.
I will hold my hand out to you,
Speak the peace you long to hear.
I will weep when you are weeping.
When you laugh, I'll laugh with you.
I will share your joy and sorrow
'Til we've seen this journey through.
When we sing to God in Heaven
We shall find such harmony.
Born of all we've known together
Of Christ's love and agony.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Oh geez I wrote this nearly exactly two years ago…
i want this to happen, but strangely enough, my friends want it to happen too. maybe it's because when i talk about you, they see how genuinely happy i am, and they want to see me happy. right now, just the thought of you brings a smile to my face and brightens my eyes a little. it's a little pathetic and a bit cheesy, but the way i feel right now, even though nothing has happened yet...well, it truly is the happiest i've ever been, relative to how i usually am of course. you have chased the dark thoughts out of my head and replaced them with bright skies.
and the possibility of it getting even's both exciting and scary.
This comes from the July 30, 2007 post on my now abandoned Xanga. The funny thing is, many of these sorts of genuinely romantic thoughts and hopes have now been abandoned as well.
I mean, it's silly of me to attribute so much happiness to one person, right? It only sets me up to be hurt, and that's what has happened…multiple times.
Yet I still get this way sometimes; I let my guard down and feel happiness I know I shouldn't feel. Except now, I have learned. I have been conditioned to feel uneasy and nauseous …I guess this is my body's defense from my heart.
So now, anything that resembles this kind of happiness (or heaven forbid—love) also comes hand-in-hand with an overwhelming sickness and actual physical desire to vomit.
Ironic how I have come to expect the worst from those who bring out the best in me.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Mmm Spam
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Then how come I don't feel any better about myself? It's like growing means I have to stifle myself from being too kind or too nice or too giving. I mean, that's what I've learned; I can't give myself away for free. I can't let anyone take me for granted because I'm worth more than that. This is supposed to be good.
Now, when I want to be a caring person for someone I love, I need to stop for a moment and ask myself the implications and consequences of my actions. I need to question my motivations and consider whether or not kindness is a "good" idea. This is supposed to be good.
I am growing up and starting to let go of my unrealistic romantic expectations. I am becoming a mature adult who knows that some things are more important than my feelings. I am learning that opening up to another means I run the risk of being taken advantage of, not being understood, or not being appreciated as much as I would hope...and that risk is becoming less and less worth it.
This is supposed to be good. My life is supposed to be better now.
Friday, July 17, 2009
My Funny Brown Pinay
If you heard my Pil-Grad speech, then you might remember I said that to be an advocate of our community, all you have to do is be aware of who you are and your influences in whatever you do. And I think Charmaine Clamor is a great example of a person who has done just this.
Take this video, which is her rendition of the classic tune, "My Funny Valentine". The song is originally about a person who is not pretty in the typical sense but is still beautiful. In this version, "My Funny Brown Pinay", the lyrics now take on a different meaning, expressing the struggle of Filipina women in a white-dominated society.
She has released three albums, all three of which I now own. If you wanna hear more, just let me know, and you can have a listen.
Doing us both a favor
I know what I want. Maybe someday, you'll figure out what you want. And if it turns out we want the same thing, then that's when you should call me. That would be nice.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Song Scribbles
In case you can't read my handwriting, I've got three ideas here:
Sighs vs. Take breath away
Why am I here again?
I know how this story ends; I've been here before.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Science vs. Romance (2)
In my previous post, I claimed that love is not an entity in itself but rather a label given to a set of emotions, thoughts, and experiences. A dear friend of mine responded by saying that love is in the action, in the doing. While I do not totally disagree, I still find the need to reconcile our points of view, and this post is my attempt to do so.
I agree that action is an important and essential aspect of love, and it is what makes love beautiful. (Remember my first post and "I'd find a match" vs. "I'd have a match"?) Yes, it is true that I cannot be loving someone if I am not expressing it.
But if action is the definition, not a result, of love, then several questions emerge.
There have been times in my life where I have had strong feelings and emotions for another, but I was not able to do something about it (e.g. didn't like me back, no opportunity, already in a relationship, not looking for a relationship, etc.--hell, most of the time, it was my own hesitation and fear that has held me back).
Does that mean that I wasn't experiencing love? Were my feelings any less real because they weren't manifested to the other?
These are the same questions I ask myself whenever I remember that nothing changes when I don't act on my feelings. It's as if I didn't have the feelings in the first if they were irrelevant and didn't matter. And that's a thought that drives me to tears, thinking that my emotions just aren't valid.
So I will maintain that love is a label because I know what I have felt regardless of whether or not I acted on these feelings.
But to reconcile these perspectives and incorporate the importance of action, I think that it is necessary to distinguish feeling love from loving. To use another basketball analogy, if loving is a jump shot, then feeling love is, well, a good look. When you get a good look, you feel it all over and you know it...whether or not you take the shot is another thing.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Science vs. Romance
I think the thing that drives me the most crazy is that I believe in (or want to believe in) love so badly despite never really having experienced it. As with most things in life, seeing is believing, right? So believing in love requires so much faith on my part that it's almost like a second religion to religion of love.
Now, in order that I don't go totally insane about this blind assertion, I have to rationalize my experiences and rationalize what I believe love way of proving to myself that love exists using logic because logic is pretty much all I've got.
Paradoxically, what has brought me the most peace so far is the conclusion that love, in itself, does not exist.
That's right, what I have realized and what seems true to me is that love is not feeling itself; love is a label we attach to all of the emotions that a person feels toward another. To quote Before Sunset: "What is 'love' if it's not respect, trust, admiration?"
You see, defining "love" as a label rather than an emotion means that each individual is able to decide whether he or she is experiencing love or not. Now of course I know that we cannot simply choose to be in love or not; it's rarely as simple as black and white which is why there is always so much confusion about love.
Yet the peace that I find in this definition comes from the empowerment that I feel because of it. Love, in this sense, is not some external entity that we must seek out. It's not some force that we pull out of the ether or even something that we have to "earn" out of another person.
Love is in each of us already. I already have all of the emotions and the feelings and the thoughts that make love so wonderful. It is just a matter of being with a person and combining those feelings with a set of experiences, compatible personalities, and chance circumstances.
So I find peace knowing that love is already in my heart, just waiting for the right combination.
You may or may not agree with me; but this is what keeps me sane at the moment.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Bellarmine College Prep 2005 Valedictory Address
As I was going through the files I have collected over the years, I came upon my transcription of my high school's valedictory address. Now that I am a college graduate, I think it is interesting to see what was said and look at it through my perspective which I have broadened over the past four years. I still think this is one of the better graduation speeches I have ever heard as it contains an effective mixture of personal experiences, motivational challenges, and humor. So without further adieu, here is Jonathan Weed's speech:
Members of the administration, faculty, staff, family, friends, and members of the class of 2005:
I have a dirty little secret. The truth is Bellarmine has encouraged a dangerous path in my education. It has enticed me to take Latin. As a result of what many of you would consider my unfortunate affiliation with this dead language, it pains me to say that I found myself unable to write my valedictory address without referencing the Latin origin of the word "valedictory."
Okay, here it goes. "Vale" means "goodbye" or "be well." "Dictum" means "speech." Ta da! All right, so perhaps that etymological revelation wasn't as an effective speech writing device as I had hoped. But in examining the words' classical components, I was struck by the sheer simplicity of its meaning. A valedictory address is a speech to say goodbye. It's a speech to tell you all to be well because for all I know, I may never see you or Bellarmine again.
What a sobering thought! We are here today, fundamentally, to say goodbye to Bellarmine, Mr. Sullivan's ubiquitous calls to 113, cross dressers coming out of Mr. Alessandri's science fiction class, and most importantly, the morning prayer to "Gad" that's not going to be a part of our daily routine. Those things will no longer be a part of our daily routine, but what I have come to believe is that that part of Bellarmine doesn't matter.
What, you say? What happened the last four years doesn't matter? Well, we certainly have much to be proud about. Our class has forged a tradition of excellence in athletics, academics, and extracurricular activities that will certainly shine on for quite a while, at least in our own memories. We won't forget Dean Constante's B-E-L-L-S cheers, which prove that he believed, too. We won't forget the October 29th last minute touchdown against Saint Francis. We won't forget our excitement as Brandon Williams goes for a kill on the volleyball court, as they win their sixth CCS championship in eight years. We won't forget the best golf and baseball teams this school has ever seen. We won't forget an athletics program with the most division titles in the Bay Area. We won't forget a speech and debate team which won the prestigious UC Berkeley Tournament for the first time in a decade. We won't forget a robotics team that's the second best in the world. It's clear that something special has been going on.
Our class has also witnessed some of Bellarmine's most profound changes. Father McFadden's last pupils graduate today. And Coach Ray, Father Alender, graduates today with us. September 11th, 2001 was just weeks after we joined the Bellarmine community. We saw the arrival of a new dean, a new name for Hedding, and even the advent of a new seven-period schedule. We were the first to see The Laramie Project and the Gay-Straight CLC. Our class saw Cool Hand Luke with Mr. Orr. Oh, well so did everyone else. Fate has made our class a class of the future.
That's why I say the past four years don't matter. Well, sure they do in the traditional "learn valuable lessons and make new friends" sort of way. But to say that these experiences define Bellarmine is preposterous. We are Bells not because we went to classes here. We are Bells because of what we will do with the classes we have taken here, with the people we've met, and the skills we've learned. We are not Bells because of yesterday; we are Bells because of tomorrow.
Remember the "Graduate at Graduation"? Those proposals don't exist just so we can all feel good about ourselves at the end of our time here. I didn't know this before, but it turns out that in 1981, Jesuit high schools in the United States crafted a mission statement based on five tenets of a successful human being: religious, loving, open to growth, intellectually competent, and committed to doing justice. But Bellarmine, ever committed to doing something different, up and added a sixth point to their stated goal. A Bellarmine student should pursue leadership growth. If we are to be considered ready for this day, according to Bellarmine, we must be willing to pursue new challenges and opportunities, not just rehash old ones. Religious, loving, intellectually competent—there's no time for Bellarmine to influence any of this anymore; either they've succeeded or they haven't. But the "Grad at Grad" doesn't stop there; it proposes a goal for the rest of our lives. It explicitly states that growth, not stagnation, must be the primary theme of the years to come. It states that a Bellarmine student must spend not four years but the rest of his life finding opportunities to put his skills into leadership action.
What I am trying to say is that if all Bellarmine has given us are these four years of fun, it has failed us. But I don't believe it has. I think Bellarmine has done exactly as it said it would. It has given us the foundation we need for the next sixty, seventy, or eighty years. In ten years, when he's the owner of a professional sports team, Dan Couch will name them the "Bells" so he can still say "Go Bells!" to everyone he meets. In twenty years, Nick Schwartz will bring sixteen boxes of fruitcake to work not because he's fighting on the side of the seniors but because he's fighting on the side of the poor. In thirty years, people will still mistake Mr. Connom for a student. And Michael Stapleton, now inexplicably a democrat, will not be writing yearbooks but daily briefings for the president of the United States. In forty years, Nik Matani will proclaim, "Win out!" not when he wins a debate round but when he wins another trial for an indigent client. And in fifty years, looking like Father Wade, we will meet here for our golden reunion and recognize that the spirit of Bellarmine acted in more than just four years of our lives.
There's an old Christian hymn which runs, "They'll know we are Christians by our love." Well, I hope they'll know we are Bells by our love, by our strength, and by our character. I hope that they'll know we are Bells by our convictions. We don't need to win Who Wants to be a Millionaire? as one Bellarmine graduate did or win Survivor as a Bell almost did to prove our worth. We just need to use our brains and our brawn in a way that helps others first, not ourselves. Look at JW Knappen—he attended classes here for only a short while, but we are proud to call him a Bell because he has shown all of us what "service leadership" really means. We gave him a standing ovation at the awards ceremony not because he got a 4.0 or got into a good college but because he, perhaps more than any of us, knows what it means to be a true Bell.
Yes, I hope that they'll know we are Bells. I'm sure they will.
I can't resist a bit more Latin; I promise it will be brief. When the Catholic mass used to be said exclusively in Latin, the priest's lasts words to the congregation were "Ite missa est," which loosely translates, "Go, it is the sending forth." At the end of every mass, like the one we shared Thursday night, we are challenged to bring what we have experienced to the outside world, to live church outside of church, so to speak. I like to think that the phrase, "Go Bells!" uttered at the end of virtually every Bellarmine prayer, serves the same function. It's not just an encouragement to succeed during the day but also a call to bring the spirit of service, brotherhood, and compassion to everything we do. It's in that spirit that I would like to leave you today. Bells, it is the sending forth. Remember, for all we've done here, for all the fun we've had, the important bit is just beginning.
In proper Bellarmine fashion then,
Have a good day everyone, God bless, and go Bells!
Friday, June 26, 2009
"Those are just words...let me out of the car!"
Well, I will be 23 this year, and most of the kind thoughts my friends give to me today are the same ones I heard when I was 14. I've been hearing the same words--like how I deserve good things, how patience will reward me, how happy I can make someone else--for over 8 years. The same problems responded by the same answers. Do you understand what this has done to me?
So now, when I hear those words, that's all they are...just words. I appreciate the love and support; I really means a lot to me and I'm glad you have given it to me.
But I guess I'm still longing to hear something new, a new reason for hope. All I've got are words...and it's not really enough anymore.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Such a petty dream.
One morning, freshman year, I saw an old couple walking through campus. Holding hands, they stopped in front of Dwinelle and just stood there for a moment. I was moved to take this picture, and it comes up every now and then on the slideshow I constantly have playing on my sidebar.
I've seen other old couples and families come onto campus...but I always remember these two. It feels so silly to have such a petty dream, but when I saw them was the first time I really knew something I wanted to have one day.
If in 50 years, I'm still here in Berkeley, walking around campus with someone...that's good enough for me.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Video from Eiffel Tower at Midnite
I hope to be here again, one day...maybe with another person's hand in mine.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
10 seconds left…wish you were here.
So I've got 10 seconds left of wi-fi here in my hotel…and like 10 hours left in Rome.
You may or may not know this, but you can publish to Blogger straight from Word 2007. So basically, I'm typing this up in Word, and when I'm done, I will connect for the 10 seconds just to publish. This might fail, haha.
All right, so my last post was about not yet being inspired to come up with some profound thoughts here. Well, today I might have actually had one. However I hesitate to call it "profound" because it is so simple and cliché…but the sincerity and emotion behind it make it, for me, worth stating.
I wish you were here.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thoughts (or lack thereof) from Italy
So I'm here in the lobby of the Hotel Imperor in Rome, Italy. This trip is going well, so far. I'm doing all the tourist things and seeing all the sights. Like, we got on this double-decker bus that drove us around to all of the tourist traps. So for those of you who would like to know, yesterday, we visited the Spanish Steps; today, we went to the Trevi Fountain (note my tweet to the right), St. Peter's Basilica, the Pantheon, and the Coliseum; and tomorrow, we have plans to see the Forum. We're kinda just going with the flow, no strict plans…we just do whatever and it seems to be going pretty well.
My only disappointment, though, is that I have not found any inspiration as of yet for new and original thoughts. I was kinda hoping that I would get here, and the change in culture would compel me to have something interesting to share. I'll give it another day or two, and if not, maybe Rome just isn't my inspiration. No doubt it is beautiful…just not a match for me.
However, I would like to add a little bit onto my last post, which I'll admit was kinda vague and sloppily put together. Unfortunately, I don't think this is a point of clarification but rather just another point.
The way I felt when watching Before Sunset is the same way I felt when I was watching Michael and Holly during the season finale of The Office. So I guess that can only make things clearer if you have seen both the film and the TV show. I guess there's a few of you. Good enough for me, haha.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Blogging vs. Sleeping for 2 hours
So I leave for my trip to Italy, France, and Spain in a couple hours. I guess I'm excited but not excited enough to blog about it just yet. The only thing I have to say right now...I want to have a coffee and a beer in every city I visit.
Now onto what's really on my mind right now. Yesterday, I watched Before Sunset for the fourth or fifth time. That film always speaks to me, but this time, it really hit me hard.
The last time I watched it was during winter break, and I can't say that anything drastically changed over this past semester. But I guess the reason it hit me so hard is because I guess Jesse and Celine's relationship is far from fiction to me. I know that situation...I am Jesse.
You see, this is more than just, "Oh, I can relate to this film." Ya, the beauty of the film is that most people can relate on some level. But seeing the two talk as they stroll through's disturbingly similar to what I do. The conversations they have resemble too much the conversations I have...or want to have.
I am doing these things right now, and it scares me.
I don't think I realized how much I was in this film until near the end where Celine and Jesse hug. "I know that hug," I instantly thought to myself. It's happy and sad, arousing and friendly, long and short, clumsy and natural--all at the same time.
Gosh, I'm having a hard time expressing exactly what I mean. Maybe it's because it's 4:30 in the morning. Maybe it's because I don't want to reveal the details of the film...or the details of my personal situation for that matter. Or maybe it's because I haven't given my emotions enough time to transpose themselves into thoughts, yet.
So I'll just table this topic for now, get some sleep, and maybe I'll return to this post when I'm ready.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Don't you know me? Don't you know me by now?
Daydream delusion, limousine eyelash
Oh baby with your pretty face
Drop a tear in my wineglass
Look at those big eyes
See what you mean to me
Sweet-cakes and milkshakes
I'm a delusion angel
I'm a fantasy parade
I want you to know what I think
Don't want you to guess anymore
You have no idea where I came from
We have no idea where we're going
Lodged in life
Like branches in a river
Flowing downstream
Caught in the current
I carry you
You'll carry me
That's how it could be
Don't you know me?
Don't you know me by now?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
What do we do?
--This is it, Joel. It's going to be gone soon.
--I know.
--What do we do?
--Enjoy it.
Over the past couple years, I feel like I've been in many situations in which I've had to ask myself, "What do we do?" Or more commonly, "What now?"
I'm sure you've been there too, so the feeling the comes along with the question is familiar. No matter how much fun I'm having, asking those questions and thinking about the answers can be quite unsolicited reality check.
Now I'm not saying that we should not consider the consequences of our actions; it is still important for us to practice good judgment and live responsibly. However, trying to live in the future by worrying about the next step only inhibits truly enjoying life in the present moment.
So whenever those questions try to pull me out of the present, I just remember these lines and do my best to be happy where I my best to have faith that the answers and I will find each another when the time is right.
In this stage of my life post-graduation, faith and patience are probably the most important virtues I must have in order for me not to go crazy during my job search. Yet they are the hardest virtues to come by, especially when I have no idea what I'll be doing in even a few weeks.
Simply stated, to enjoy the present amid great uncertainty is a great act of faith. May you all have the faith you need to live in the moment and enjoy the present.
I'll close with another film quotation from Waking Life:
"There's only one moment. And it's now. And it's eternity."
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Fate in Film
Somehow, in my mind, all of the following quotations are related to one another, and I have synthesized them together to form what I like to call my worldview on fate.
"There are so many things that have to happen for two people to meet." --21 Grams
"The earth turned to bring us closer. It turned on itself and in us, until it finally brought us together in this dream." --Eugenio Montejo poem quoted in 21 Grams
"Do you know what fate is? Fate is building a bridge of chance for someone you love." --My Sassy Girl
"Life is a matter of a miracle that is collected over time by moments flabbergasted to be in each others' presence." --Waking Life
"I wouldn't trade our time for anything. That's all we are, the sum of our experiences. Besides, some of the best things in life are total mistakes." --Paycheck
Friday, June 5, 2009
...and so I begin again.
But really, it was probably the encouragement from my Ading April that really got me wanting to do this again. Talking to her, I realized that this might be a good way for me to practice and develop my voice, style of expression, or whatever you want to call it.
Since those Xanga days of yore, I feel like I have matured and collected a lot of experiences, all contributing to a unique perspective that I've found some people actually like to read. I just hope that this doesn't turn out like my Xanga--meaning a mere chronicle of all my adventures/misadventures with girls.
I hope I've got more to talk about now; so here goes...
I think an appropriate first topic would be the title and url of this blog. In case you didn't pick up on it, both are references to the song, "The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson. It's a short and sweet love song that has a catchy melody and distinct bass line...basically all the elements that make up half of my favorite songs.
But in this song, she combines this musical sweetness with lyrical sweetness to make something that is memorable on many different levels. I pretty much play this song every time I sit down at a piano or pick up a bass, and I often play it to start off my day.
The first verse of the song is:
If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light? I'd find a match.
I don't know how many people notice it, but there is something subtle in the second line of this verse, and to me, it changes the whole meaning of the line and the whole song for that matter in such a beautiful way.
It might be unique to me, but I feel like the more natural line would be "You need a light? I'd have a match." I mean, that's the cliche that we're all used harkens back to those old movies when the romantic hero lights the cigarette for the sultry seductress. That's what I imagine, at least.
But when "I'd have a match" becomes "I'd find a match", the image drastically changes for me. What she is saying now is that she's not going to have the match at that moment, but she will go and get one. And the difference is huge.
You see, they are not perfect for one another just because of who they are and what they already have...rather they are perefect for one another because of their willingness to take the actions to get what the other needs. They are dynamic and participate in one another. They grow together.
So yes, I have expanded this subtlety far beyond what might have been intended, but I think it helps explain my general view of relationships and how I see the world.
I am not a perfect person and neither are you. We probably can't be perfect. But us together...we can become perfect. So we should give it a try.
You need a light?
I'd find a match.