Friday, June 5, 2009

...and so I begin again.

Well, after a few years' absence from the world of blogging, I have returned to share my voice once again. I figure, I'm fully active in the worlds of Facebook and I might as well complete the whole Web 2.0 picture and post some blogs too.

But really, it was probably the encouragement from my Ading April that really got me wanting to do this again. Talking to her, I realized that this might be a good way for me to practice and develop my voice, style of expression, or whatever you want to call it.

Since those Xanga days of yore, I feel like I have matured and collected a lot of experiences, all contributing to a unique perspective that I've found some people actually like to read. I just hope that this doesn't turn out like my Xanga--meaning a mere chronicle of all my adventures/misadventures with girls.

I hope I've got more to talk about now; so here goes...

I think an appropriate first topic would be the title and url of this blog. In case you didn't pick up on it, both are references to the song, "The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson. It's a short and sweet love song that has a catchy melody and distinct bass line...basically all the elements that make up half of my favorite songs.

But in this song, she combines this musical sweetness with lyrical sweetness to make something that is memorable on many different levels. I pretty much play this song every time I sit down at a piano or pick up a bass, and I often play it to start off my day.

The first verse of the song is:

If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light? I'd find a match

I don't know how many people notice it, but there is something subtle in the second line of this verse, and to me, it changes the whole meaning of the line and the whole song for that matter in such a beautiful way.

It might be unique to me, but I feel like the more natural line would be "You need a light? I'd have a match." I mean, that's the cliche that we're all used harkens back to those old movies when the romantic hero lights the cigarette for the sultry seductress. That's what I imagine, at least.

But when "I'd have a match" becomes "I'd find a match", the image drastically changes for me. What she is saying now is that she's not going to have the match at that moment, but she will go and get one. And the difference is huge.

You see, they are not perfect for one another just because of who they are and what they already have...rather they are perefect for one another because of their willingness to take the actions to get what the other needs. They are dynamic and participate in one another. They grow together.

So yes, I have expanded this subtlety far beyond what might have been intended, but I think it helps explain my general view of relationships and how I see the world.

I am not a perfect person and neither are you. We probably can't be perfect. But us together...we can become perfect. So we should give it a try.

You need a light?

I'd find a match.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for a new blog! ..and bonus points because this post made me smile :)
