Love is...
My bass guitar amp broke today...right when I needed it most. I was about to perform...then out of nowhere, thing just doesn't turn on. After performing, I was going to eat, but I set aside my plans so I could go home and figure out what was wrong.
After taking it apart, I had no better understanding of what exactly happened. Several times, I considered giving up and just getting the amp repaired...or replacing it altogether.
Then in a moment of inspiration, I found myself working around the problem. I pulled out wires and put wires together...and eventually got it working again.
Sure, it's not the same exact amp I started with--the on/off switch no longer serves a purpose & there is a slight buzzing noise--but the fact is it still works and it's better than nothing.
I think no less of it just because it's not as glamorous as I would like it to be. In the end, all I want to do is make music.
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