Friday, June 26, 2009

"Those are just words...let me out of the car!"

The title of this post is a line from Before Sunset, and it is how often how I feel when someone gives me certain words of encouragement or even a compliment. Why would I respond in such a negative way to kind words?

Well, I will be 23 this year, and most of the kind thoughts my friends give to me today are the same ones I heard when I was 14. I've been hearing the same words--like how I deserve good things, how patience will reward me, how happy I can make someone else--for over 8 years. The same problems responded by the same answers. Do you understand what this has done to me?

So now, when I hear those words, that's all they are...just words. I appreciate the love and support; I really means a lot to me and I'm glad you have given it to me.

But I guess I'm still longing to hear something new, a new reason for hope. All I've got are words...and it's not really enough anymore.

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