The stomach was hungry, so the hands gave it food to make it happy. This continued normally and happily until...
One day, the hands said:
Wait a second. All the stomach does is take from me. I go through all the effort to find food and even prepare it. I give it away for free but don't get anything back...not even acknowledgment.
The stomach is full, yet I am empty.
The stomach doesn't appreciate me. The stomach takes me for granted. Well you know what? I'm going to teach the stomach a lesson...
At that point, the hands decided that it would no longer respond to the stomach's hunger. The hands stopped supplying the stomach with food and let it starve. The hands wanted the stomach to know not to take the hands for granted, to appreciate the hands.
This worked for a little bit. The stomach was unhappy while the hands took sick pleasure knowing that the stomach needed the hands.
But after a while, the hands started to feel unhappy too. Without nourishment from the stomach, the sick pleasure the hands once felt made way for just plain sickness.
And so it was then that the hands realized that, yes, the stomach was taking them for granted...but they were also taking the stomach for granted.
The lesson?
The stomach learns to appreciate where the food comes from and not take it for granted.
And the hands learn that the stomach actually does give back, but not in the same way.
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