Friday, April 16, 2010


My first post in a series I call:
Why The Heck Did I Say That?

In this series, I will revisit some of my cryptic (more-or-less) Tweets and/or Facebook Status Updates and try to flesh them out, try to find a more concrete meaning in them. And perhaps in so doing, meaning will find you too.

Appropriately for this first post, I went back to my very first Tweet and went forward in time until I found something worth an explanation. I found two which go together quite well...


Gonna go to bed now...before I get too emo and put something online that I'll regret tomorrow, haha
"You have to anticipate the positive." -A practical meaning of "optimism" from Giants' commentator Mike Krukow.

Friday, April 2, 2010


During my commute on BART this morning, I was listening to To The Best Of Our Knowledge, and I would like to share with you an excerpt from this episode. It's been a while since my last post, and well, these are actually the words that inspired me to begin writing here again:

"The greatest healing is to give yourself away, to use yourself up before you die. And really, if you can get yourself on the page so clean and clear that it communicates, you give yourself up. It's over. You've given your life to the page and to other people...which is really wonderful."

--Natalie Goldberg, author of Old Friend From Far Away: The Practice of Writing Memoir, episode titled "From Suburbia to Surreal: Writer's Lives"