Yesterday, I tuned in to the Apple keynote, mostly out of innocent curiosity as to what new technology was going to be introduced. But I'll admit, as a sometimes compulsive consumer of gadgets, a small part of me was tuning in because I was ready to buy and just needed to be pitched.
So when they unveiled the Apple Watch, I had heard the rumors and expected that I would be interested. But they didn't even come close to convincing me. And you know why?
The whole time they were introducing the Apple Watch, I kept glancing at the watch I already have:
My watch is simple, unique, and slightly stylish but nothing too fancy. No touch screen, no hidden functions.
But it does more than just tell the time. It tells a story. The story might sound familiar to you:
I first saw this watch on Amazon and put it on my wish list so I could come back to it later.
Then you bought it for me as a "surprise" gift to celebrate 18 months of being together.
I found out about the "surprise" because you used my Amazon account to buy it.
I wore a green outfit the day it came, so the colors coordinated when I took a picture and sent it to you.
There's nothing too grand about this story; it's simple but sincere. But it means much more to me than any new technology could ever give me.
This watch lets me revisit these memories every time I put it on. This watch lets me share this story every time someone compliments it.
And every day, this watch reminds me of your thoughtfulness, your love.
Thank you, dear, for this story and the many others we have.